Without being under the influence of the sound and musical virtues of the present time, Marí delivers songs in a timeless, reflective and calm, yet edgy, gloomy and melancholic universe. Her nordic folk noir with delicate string strokes and her slightly rugged and hypnotizing voice sounds deep and mysterious – sometimes breathed with pure relish, then breaking loose from everything and driven with real fervour. Marí finds room for both sound and silence in the music, and it is a remarkable combination. In September 2022 Marí went to Iceland to record her first full-length album in Sundlaugin Studio and collaborate with producer Albert Finnbogason. The album will be released in autumn 2023.

Ullutsinni nipit nipilesoriaatsillu sunnertisimaffiginagit, Marí allanngujaattunik, eqqarsarnartunik eqqissisimasumillu erinarsortarpoq, taamaattorli sinarsulimmik, nikallungarpalaartumik silarsuaqarluni. Nunani avannarlerni inuttuutitutullusooq erinarsriaaseqarnera sallaatsumillu guitarerpalaarneq aammalu nipaa tiguartinnartoq itisuumik eqqumiikajaamillu  – ilaannikkut anersaartorpalaamik iluarusunnerpaamillu nipeqartarpoq, sunit tamanit nippariasaartarluni iluunngartumillu erinarsortarluni. Maríp nipilersuutini nipi nipaassuserlu inissaqartippai, malunnartumik akuleriisillugit. Marí septembarimi 2022-imi Islandimukarpoq albummiliani tamakkiisoq siullerpaaq Sundlaugin Studiomi immiukkiartorlugu aammalu producer Albert Finnbogason suleqatigivaa. Albummiliaa 2023-imi ukiaanerani saqqummersinneqarumaarpoq.