jessica florence

Jessica is a sing/songwriter with musical roots in multiple countries. Born in Indonesia, Jessica then spent 12 years living in Greenland before moving to Denmark in 2017. These diverse influences provide for a rich and varied musical style, with lyrics both in Greenlandic, Danish and English. Travelling through the complexities of love, life and all things left unsaid, Jessica’s songs provide a colourful and genuine portrayal of human emotion. With her band, you will be taken on a timeless journey through an emotional collage, where you do not have to be frightened to show vulnerability.

Jessica erinarsortartuuvoq/taalliortartuuvoq nunani assigiinngitsuni nipilersornerup silarsuaani sorlaqarfeqarluni. Indonesiami inunngornikuuvoq, 2017-imilu Danmarkimut nuunnginnermini ukiuni aqqaneq-marlunni Kalaallit Nunaanni najugaqarnikuuvoq. 

Arlalitsigut sorlaqarfeqarnermigut pisuunnguallaataasumik assigiinngisitaartumillu nipilersoriaaseqarpoq, taallartai kalaalllisut, qallunaatut tuluttullu allaqqallutik. Asanninnerup inuunerullu silarsuaani sammiveqartunik aammalu oqaasertaqarfiunngitsunik Jessica erinarsortarpoq qalipaatigissaartumik inuillu misigissusaanik ersitsisarluni. Nipilersortartoqatini peqatigalugit misigissutsit aqqusaarlugit tusarnaartissavaasi, misigissutsit ersersilluarneqarneri annilaangassutigisariaqarnasiuk.