black swamp water
Black Swamp Water is old school hard rock and heavy metal with a howdy to the southern rock scene. The Tue Madsen (Antfarm Studios) produced- & mixed debut album "Chapter One" from 2016 gave the band a reputation as a highly energetic live act with great reviews and airplays to follow (on National Danish Radio P6 and MyRock, among others). On that note, Black Swamp Water has also supported Danish heavy metal legends Pretty Maids, the Swedish stoners Deville and folk metal acts Bersærk and Svartsot – as well as sharing the stage with many different hard rock and metal acts, such as the mighty Baest and thrash metal hard-hitters Hatesphere @ Royal Metal Fest in Århus and Metal Denmark’s Business Day in Copenhagen. In 2018, Black Swamp Water released their second album "Distant Thunder" to the world through Mighty Music.
The album is recorded/mixed/mastered by Christian Bonde Sørensen (CB Studios) and includes the first single Bitter Harvest, which has passed the 3 million streams mark on Spotify now four and a half years after its release – and Black Swamp Water has more than 5 million streams on Spotify. In August 2021, Black Swamp Water has released their third album Awakening through Mighty Music – it is recorded/mixed/mastered by Tue Madsen (Antfarm Studios), and the singles Showdown, Better Days, Endless War and Roll Over can be found on world wide streaming services, along with the album. Black Swamp Water consists of singer and bass player Bjørn Bølling Nyholm, the two guitarists Jan Geert and Thomas Roland, and drummer Michael Bay Ågård Nielsen.
Black Swamp Water qangarnisarpaluttumik hard rock aamma heavy metal-imik nipeqarput southern rock-erpalaartumik appisimaartarput. The Tue Madsen (Antfarm Studios) albummiliaat siullerpaaq producererneqarnikoq mixerneqarnikorlu “Chapter One” 2016-iminngaanneersoq bandip uummaarilluinnartumik tusarnaartitsisartutut tusaamaneqaatigilerpaa saqqummersitaat nalilerneqarluarluni Airplay-ikkullu tusarnaarneqarsinnaalerluni (ilaatigut P6-ikkut aammalu MyRockikkut). Taamatuttaaq Black Swamp Water Danmarkimi heavy metalimik nipilersortartut tusaamaneqarluartut Pretty Maids tapersersornikuuaat, svenskit stonersinik nipilersortartui Deville aammalu and folk metal acts Bersærk aammalu Svartsot – taamatullu hard rock-imik metal-imik appisimaartartut assigiinngitsorpassuit, soorlu Århusimi the mighty Baest and trash metal hard-hitters Hatesphere @ Royal Metal Fest aammalu Københavnimi Metal Denmark’s Business Day appisimaaqatiginikuuaat. 2018-imi Black Swamp Water appassaaneerlutik albummiliartik “Distant Thunder” Mighty Music aqqutigalugu nunarsuaq tamakkerlugu saqqummersippaat.
Albummi Christian Bonde Sørensen-imit (CB Studios) immiunneqarpoq/mixerneqarpoq/mastererneqarpoq aammalu singleli siulleq Bitter Harvest, ukiut tallimat avillugit saqqummersinneqarnerminiit Spotify-mi 3 millioneriarlugu tusarnaarneqarsimalereerpoq – aammattaaq Black Swamp Water Spotify.mi 5 millioneriarlugu streamerneqartareerpoq. Aggustimi 2021-mi Black Swamp Water pingajussaa albummiliartik Awakening Mighty Music aqqutigalugu saqqumersippaat – Tue Madsen-imit (Antfarm Studios), immiunneqarpoq/mixerneqarpoq/mastererneqarpoq, Singlelillu Showdown, Better Days, Endless War aamma Roll Over album ilanngullugu nunarsuaq tamakkerlugu tusarnaarutini tusarnaarneqarsinnaapput. Black Swamp Water-imi nipilersortartut tassaapput erinarsortartoq basserartorlu Bjørn Bølling Nyholm, guitarertartut marluk Jan Geert aamma Thomas Roland aammalu tumerparpaartartoq Michael Bay Ågård Nielsen.